I must admit, it has been a bit longer than I expected since my last post. At the beginning of this month, I had a realization, and I believe it is a deepening or re-realizing of a topic I have talked about previously. Intent. On Weds, Jan 3 I realized that my training had lost intent. My life had lost intent. I was content to be carried along day to day enjoying whatever the day would bring but I was not active in working towards anything in particular. I was still participating in training when we had classes and I was puttering along with my work. But my evenings and weekends had become lazy. I was escaping from pressure by playing games and watching movies/ tv shows to excess. It was difficult to get to bed before 2AM and mornings had become my sworn enemy. I remember thinking to myself that in order to have intent in my day I would first need to have intent with my sleep. I am convinced that a good rest provides the energy and motivation necessary to bring intent to the day. Without a good sleep it feels as though the day just slips by, and by the time I finally awaken and have energy the day has already been lost. Unfortunately, as I was coming to this realization and beginning to actively work on having intent with my sleep habits, I became sick. I had been intending to get my flu vaccine, but I hadn’t gotten around to making my appointment, and while the intention was there, the action was not. I became very sick with the flu on Friday Jan 5th, and wound up with a fever that carried my through the weekend and a sickness that sapped my strength and ability to do anything for the rest of the next week. I am now feeling much better and I am again reminded that intent matters. Without intent, the day, the week, and the month will be gone in an instant. I am also convinced that the foundation of intent can be found in how we provide our body with the energy it needs and the intent that we give to our rest. I have become conscientious of the need for healthy sleep patterns in providing a foundation that allows me to capture the day. I am hoping to be intent with how I sleep so that I can bring intent to my day.
Current | Goal | Change Since Last | |
Pushups | 5311 | 46850 | 388 |
Situps | 5340 | 46850 | 388 |
Hand Forms | 430 | 937 | 78 |
Weapon Forms | 343 | 937 | 49 |
Acts of Kindness | 193 | 780 | – |
Distance Travelled | 1215 | 1508 | 135 |
Sparring | 187 | 780 | – |
Blog Posts | 22 | 55 | 1 |
Yoga Time | 1265 | 4685 | 295 |
Language Practice Time | 1735 | 4685 | 300 |
Great post!
Sleep is so important! It is where healing takes place and, although our society doesn’t seem to value it, as though it is almost a waste of time, getting enough of it can help you be more productive and focused.