In my last post I spoke of highs and lows, of ups and downs and how exciting a new adventure can be yet how disappointing set-backs can also be. In that post I referred to the setbacks as a failure. I was disappointed I was not doing everything I thought that I could and that I should be doing. However, as I have been thinking about it farther I think that it is still too early to call it a failure. It is a setback, but life is full of thrills and setbacks.
In the comments on that post teammates encouraged me to take the opportunity to pad my numbers so that when life does what it does, there won’t be stress to meet daily numbers on top of everything else that is happening. While other team members also encouraged me to find alternative activities so that I can stay focused on the path of mastery even if sometimes I need to take a break along the path. The only point at which we fail then is when we stop trying to do better. It’s okay to need to rest, and periods of rest and recovery are part of the journey. What matters is that we continue to proceed boldly however we can. There will be times where that will mean we are reflecting, or merely offering a kind word to those around us. At other times we will need to modify our forms or activities, and sometimes we will be able to nail our activities and even pad our forms.
Life is going to be full of ups and downs, that doesn’t mean we have failed, it means that we are still on our journey, and that we still have a ways to go before we make it to our destination.